Current Campaigns, Initiatives & Calls To Action

Want to do more to reduce street/home flooding and address polluted nearby waterways in  your community? 

          Join the 2024 SFSR Community Leadership Action Program!

4 sessions:

       May 11: 10:00am to 2:00pm (in person; Journal Square location)

                       May 16: 6:30 to 8:30pm (virtual)

                      May 30: 6:30 to 8:30pm (virtual)

                              June 15: 10:00am to 2:00pm (in person; Journal Square location)

                             $600 stipend for participation

Join a network of peers taking action to accelerate solutions to combined sewer overflows, street and basement flooding and related pollution! 

                   Deadline extended: Apply by April 26, 2024! 

     Learn more here.



About Sewage-Free Streets and Rivers

Sewage-Free Streets and Rivers works with NJ community and statewide organizations to advocate for solutions to sewage overflows into rivers and dirty wastewater flooding into streets and homes.

Join the Sewage-Free Streets and Rivers campaign and ensure infrastructure changes to your municipality’s combined sewer system are effective, affordable, equitable and provide the greatest benefit to your community.

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) has released 5 of 7 regional and long-awaited draft combined sewer overflow permits for the 21 impacted communities this year! This is the public’s chance to give input on the plans to reduce sewage overflows into local water bodies and sewage back-ups into streets and homes. The final plans will impact your community for many years to come.

What can you do?
1) If you are an organization or business: become a campaign partner and help get the word out to the community
2) If you are a community member: sign up to receive our newsletter and other timely updates.
3) Follow our social media: Instagram, Facebook & Twitter

Not sure if you live in a town or city with a combined sewer system?
Check out the map below with the 21 NJ affected communities.

CSO Communities in New Jersey

By working together, we can prevent sewers from overflowing and keep sewage out of our streets, basements, and waterways. Let’s make sure the children in our communities grow up in a healthier, greener environment and our streets and businesses remain safe and clean.

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) posted its comments on the Development and Evaluation of Alternatives Reports that Read more
Twenty-five New Jersey municipalities and utilities are developing plans to upgrade their century-old combined sewer systems. These upgrades will take Read more
Sewage-Free Streets and Rivers partners reviewed all of the Development and Evaluation of Alternative reports from a community and quality Read more
Onondaga County, New York, found itself in an exciting position in 2012. Struggling, as many cities and towns are to Read more
Perth Amboy, like many New Jersey municipalities, has faced flooding issues for many years. Since the 1860s, New Jersey and Read more
All of the municipal and utility permit holders submitted reports on July 1, 2019 describing the options they are considering Read more